Founded in 1907 Cathrineholm of Norway has become a hugely popular and well known name within the enamelware business, probably more so now than back when the products were actually getting manufactured.
When designer Arne Clausen designed the now iconic lotus pattern, other well known designer of the Cathrineholm factory Grete Prytz Kittelsen was rumoured to have hated the design, stating that the floral design detracted from the vibrant plain colours. However, it was exactly this design that struck a chord with housewives worldwide with its appealing colours and simple graphic expression.
Though the enamelware company produced many products with different designs, it was the ‘Lotus’ pattern, designed by Clausen that was, and still is, their greatest success.
With wear both inside and out, as is to be expected and simply commensurate with age and use and as photographed.
Measures approximately 34.5cm wide handle to handle, 27cm in diameter and 12cm tall to the lid handle.